Queen Size Cutting Chart

The following is a cutting chart for the Queen Sized Borders:

QUEEN sizes:

✔️ 3-1/2 yards of the Onyx Fairy Dust Border (1st & 3rd borders)
✔️ 3 yards of the Lagoon Fairy Dust Border (2nd border).

QUEEN Cutting Diagram – Borders 1 & 3 (assumes both borders are the same color)
If this is too small, right click the image and click “open image in new tab” – then you’l see it nice and big!

QUEEN Cutting Diagram – Border 2
If this is too small, right click the image and click “open image in new tab” – then you’l see it nice and big!

…and YES, you’re could waste an enormous amount of fabric doing this OR you could use it as an awesome accent in the backing of your quilt.

Now, head back to Chapter 7 to finish these borders up or head back to the main portal!