New Year, New House

January is a month of new beginnings! Home organization is one of the best ways to get off on the right foot, and I’m here to help. If you’ve been following me, you’ll remember that a clean home = a happy brain! So do yourself a favor and de-clutter your life. Here are some products that have helped me like you can’t imagine!

1. Shut the Front Door

Can’t get in the door through piles of shoes? My brother got us a great shoe organizer that can easily expand depending on your needs.

Shoe Rack for Home Organization

2. Space in the Closet Means Less Clutter in Your Living Space

These space saving hangers will save you so much room—you might just have room for another shopping spree!

Space Saving Hanger

3. Divide and Conquer

A divided hamper will save you time and space. Separate by darks, whites—whatever your main laundry loads tend to be. This will make laundry a breeze, just pull it out of the hamper and throw it in the laundry—no more sorting piles that get in your way!

4. Get Your Undies in a Bundle

These drawer organizers will work wonders on those small piles that seem to melt into each other.

Drawer Organization

5. Organize Up, Not Out.

Wall space is one of the best places to organize—you’re not using it anyway! Thirty-One has to have some of the best products for organizing…and the most fun! Check out this wall organizer, perfect for any office or side entrance:

Hanging Wall Organizer

6. Wrap It Up

Nothing makes your office look better than some cord organization. These cable clips and keepers will keep everything where you need it!

Cord KeeperCord Organizer

I hope that these home organization suggestions help you start the new year off right. What are some of your favorite organizing products? I’d love to hear all about them in the comments section below!

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One Comment

  1. Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on through.

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